
Äccelent Group AB

AdressÄlvsborgsgatan 17 C, 414 48 Göteborg


AdressÄlvsborgsgatan 17 C, 414 48 GöteborgPostadressÄlvsborgsgatan 17 c, 414 48 Göteborg

Officiell företagsinformation

Verksamhet & ändamål
Talent Identification: Our primary focus is on identifying talents with expertise in areas such as mobility, software development, data science, and more. Partnerships: To enhance our access to corporations and acquire relevant assignments, we actively forge strategic alliances. This involves partnering with organizations, including head- hunting firms, to facilitate the identification and placement of skilled individuals in companies seeking specific expertise. Social Impact and Global Reach: Our mission is aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We aspire to offer consulting services to prominent Swedish companies and expand our reach throughout Europe. Through responsible business practices and engagement with policymakers, we aim to contribute to sustainability and ethical conduct in the corporate world. Vision for the Future: Our vision extends beyond immediate goals. Through collaboration, we aspire to set a standard for addressing sustainability objectives and serve as an exemplar for other companies
Juridiskt namnÄccelent Group ABOrganisationsnummer559470-2440Registreringsdatum2024-01-30BolagsformAktiebolagAntal anställda0SNI-bransch
64993 Förvaltning av och handel med värdepapper för en begränsad och sluten krets av ägare
LedamotOscar Jesus Centeno Ramér
AdressÄlvsborgsgatan 17 c, 414 48 GöteborgPostadressÄlvsborgsgatan 17 c, 414 48 GöteborgRegistrerad för
Källa: SCB, Bolagsverket, Skatteverket

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Källa: Bolagsverket

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