Norce AB
Norce is a Nordic leader in software-as-a-service (SaaS) commerce. We provide retailers, brands and B2B customers with powerful tools for growth. Through a composable architecture, an open platform (API-first) and cloud-based offering (True SaaS), we let solution partners and e-tailors create tomorrow's customer journeys. Together, we accelerate the transformation of digital commerce. With over two decades of continuous evolution, built by e-commerce pioneers seeking to design the ultimate platform for online commerce, the product stands out for its ability to meet the highest standards. Norce is today trusted by some of the Nordic region’s most successful companies including Cervera, Royal Design, Cellbes, Swedish Match and Blåkläder. Annually, over ten million transactions take place through the platform, to a value exceeding EUR 1,3 billion. Our team of +100 dedicated experts operates from Stockholm, Gothenburg, Oslo, and Gdansk with one common objective, creating superior value for our customers and partners. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn.
- Visar 1 av 1Befattning | Namn |
Befattning | |
Verkställande direktör | Jan Niclas Ingemar Heurlin (f 1964) |
Verkställande direktör Namn Jan Niclas Ingemar Heurlin (f 1964) |
- Visar 4 av 4Befattning | Namn |
Befattning | |
Ordförande | Alf Erik Signar Thiel Metelius (f 1979) |
Ledamot | Jan Niclas Ingemar Heurlin (f 1964) |
Ledamot | Anders Gunnar Emilsson Falk (f 1969) |
Ledamot | Alf Erik Signar Thiel Metelius (f 1979) |
Ordförande Namn Alf Erik Signar Thiel Metelius (f 1979) | |
Ledamot Namn Jan Niclas Ingemar Heurlin (f 1964) | |
Ledamot Namn Anders Gunnar Emilsson Falk (f 1969) | |
Ledamot Namn Alf Erik Signar Thiel Metelius (f 1979) |
- Visar 2 av 2Befattning | Namn |
Befattning | |
Huvudansvarig revisor | Magnus Fjellman (f 1978) |
Revisor | Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB |
Huvudansvarig revisor Namn Magnus Fjellman (f 1978) | |
Revisor |
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Firman tecknas av
Heurlin, Jan Niclas Ingemar
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